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It Does Make A Difference What You Believe !
All of our beliefs and teachings are found in the Holy Bible (King James Version). We believe and teach the whole counsel of God. However, we see these as being the essential core of doctrine for this day and time.

THE BAPTIST GOD - God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, The "I AM THAT I AM" of the Bible (Exodus 3: 13-15)

THE BAPTIST SAVIOUR - Jesus Christ of Nazereth and Him only (1 John 4:14)

THE BAPTIST BOOK - The Holy Bible King James Version 1611 New Testament for English-speaking people (Psalm 119:89)

THE BAPTIST CHURCHES - Started by Jesus Christ while He was here on Earth. Only Baptists fit the bill and can prove it (Matthew 16:18)

THE BAPTIST BRIDE OF CHRIST - Whatever the church is, so is the Bride (II Corinthians 11:2)

This represents an essentially small but important part of what we believe and teach.

We do not hold to the many doctrinal heresies of the Roman Catholic institution and those of her Protestant daughters that are prevalent in so many groups "that take unto themselves a name", some even called Baptist (Genesis 11:4 ;Revelation 18:4&5).

For a more comprehensive explanation of these or other doctrines of faith and the practices that we hold, please email us.


"For we can do nothing against the truth ,but for the truth." II Cor. 13:8

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Read.."Why Be A Baptist?"

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